Sylvia, alone and pregnant in the Manhattan high-rise she shares with her husband Noah, awaits her husband and a dinner guest, Mr. Swanson. In spite of the blackout, Swanson arrives and engages Sylvia in a disturbing conversation. But when Noah gets home, Swanson vanishes. As the night continues, sights and sounds become even stranger and more ominous. Are they Sylvia’s hallucinations, or is the danger real?
Written by: Karin Fazio Littlefield. Produced by Breanda Cross
Duration: 35m 43s
Script by Karin Fazio Littlefield, Produced by Breanda Cross
Performed by:
Candace Reid…Sylvia
Bryan Enk ….Noah
Roark Littlefield … Mr. Swanson
Glenda Littlefield … Mrs. Purefoy
Elijah Klein … Dr. Blake
Additional Voices: Christiaan Koop, Rachel Austin Bernstein