Monthly Update

Over the last four weeks we have submitted four podcasts out into cyberspace, and although by some standards our subscribers are still small, it is a list that is steadily growing.

With the dawning of a new month we will be making a few changes.  First the logo will change. It will be simpler and more appropriate to the many platforms on which our podcasts may be found.  Your comments and reviews are still welcome, especially the nice one.  And of course we would love you to like our new look facebook page,

Listed below are the four podcasts released during the last month.


As you can see from the covers there is a good deal of variety in the stories although all fit the Crime genre.   Night Fever is a cityscape of a lonely woman, possible unrequited love, and a horrendous conclusion.  While Touche (Tooshay –when an adversary wins an argument) is also set in a city, with an equally horrendous end, our key player is a different type of protagonist, and hopefully considered a likable rogue.  Guest House Ghost Story has created quite a stir with comments, as well as quite a few people from  overseas taking up the suggestion to use it as an English learning platform.  And finally, our last release, The hand, a complex murder/manslaughter/mystery – with the inevitable twist.

A BIG thankyou to those subscribers who have been with us since the beginning of our twelve week journey. And a BIG welcome to those of you who have found us more recently. And a BIG ask that you help us spread the word.


We look forward to bringing you more thoughts, adventures, ideas and experiences.  Happy listening.


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